why? what? how much? join


a cozy corner for stories, discovery, and shared moments


the web is becoming like a dark forest, crammed with so much stuff: bots, ads, and ai generated content.

it's like we're all trying to have a genuine conversation in the middle of a crowded, noisy room, where half the crowd is not even human.

in the middle of that forest sits the fika bar ; a cozy place for humans to retreat and share thoughts and discoveries.


fika is a very simple tool for people who want to discover and collect genuine content on the internet, and this is how it works:


bookmark stories

save any cool stuff you find online, whether it's an interesting article, a helpful blog post, or something you want to read later.


follow publications

fika suggests blogs and newsletters based on the stories you bookmark, so you can subscribe to them and stay updated with their latest content.


share discoveries

follow people with similar interests to discover new stories, and let them follow you to share your own findings.


express yourself

besides sharing stories, you can also write your own posts on fika to express yourself and notify your followers about new content.

how much?

peanuts, that's how much.

fika is a small business and charges a modest fee to cover expenses and maintain operations.

we don't have a free plan because we aim to keep the platform simple and without ads.

there is only one subscription option available, making your decision straightforward: you can either join, or not.

no plan shrug


  • what do you get?
  • nothing
  • nada
  • zip
  • nil
  • zilch
don't join

peanuts plan peanuts



  • what do you get?
  • bookmark manager
  • feed reader
  • blogging platform
  • daily email digest
  • works offline
join now